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Meeting Details

27 May 2021 - 19:00 to 23:25

Live Broadcast:  Click the link below at 7pm for live stream

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  • Documents
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  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest
Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
3 Chair's Business
Notice Of Motions
14 Councillor Doris to move

 That this Council condemns unequivocally domestic abuse; recognises that domestic abuse continues to be hugely underreported; acknowledges the important legislative progress promised by the Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill; further acknowledges that domestic abuse often follows victims into their workplace; highlights the impact that domestic abuse can have on a victim’s employment through the impact on their physical and mental health; notes the existing Civil Service special leave policy which enables staff paid time off for domestic reasons including domestic abuse; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to introduce legislation to create a statutory entitlement to ten days of paid special leave for victims of domestic abuse.

15 Councillor McNamee to move

That this Council recognises that the discussions about a constitutional change is now well underway and this Council has a duty to consult with its ratepayers on this important issue and the implications for the Council area. Therefore, calls on the Council to establish a working group on Irish unity and to begin a consultation with ratepayers and community and business representatives to assess views on the issues related to constitutional change.


16 Councillor Cuddy to move

UUP Councillors continue to receive representations on why English is not placed first on Mid Ulster road/street signs. 
The UUP ask Mid Ulster Council to review this section of the policy to put English first and then whichever languages are agreed next.
This is how the original Local Government (NI) Order in 1995 was intended - to support by agreeing to include minority or second languages on new signage. We feel the current policy has not correctly interpreted the original Order. To be clear the issue is not another language on the signs – it is the ordering of the languages – English names should be first. 
English is the working language for us all. English is the language that all our new Nationals who have come to Mid Ulster to set up their homes and start a new life understand. English is the universal language and we all use the English Language all the time.
The job of the Council is to act responsibly and find a consensus of agreement. The current policy leaves a large proportion of the people of Mid Ulster feeling left behind and could be easily resolved with this suggestion. We appeal to the Council to reconsider its position for the sake of harmony and moving forward together.

Signed:  Cllr. Walter Cuddy, Cllr. Mark Glasgow, Cllr. Meta Graham, Cllr. Robert Colvin, Cllr Trevor Wilson, Cllr. Derek McKinney.  As required by Standing Order 24 (Rescission of a preceding Resolution)


17 Councillor Corry to move

That this Council recognises the struggle for equality by generations of people who identify as LGBTQ+; acknowledges the successful work of LGBTQ+ activists in eradicating elements of institutionalised discrimination; condemns the continued inequalities experienced by those who identify as LGBTQ+; welcomes the initiative of the Minister for Communities in beginning a process to ban the practice of conversion therapy; calls on the Minister of Health to address the serious deficits in healthcare services for transgender individuals, particularly at Brackenburn Clinic in Belfast; further calls on the Minister of Education to ensure that sex and relationship education guidance for schools is inclusive and covers LGBTQ+ relationships and transgender identities; and calls on the Executive to commit to equality, respect and human rights for all sections of our society in its actions, words and deeds.


18 Councillor Burton to move

That this Council notes the poor conditions of our rural roads in Mid Ulster and joins with other councils through NILGA in respect of evidence based lobbying across local government in making joint representation to the Minister of Infrastructure to support an increased budget to improve maintenance in this and future financial years. 


19 Councillor Bell to move

That this Council is deeply concerned that at the end of 2020 almost 4,500 children across HSC Trusts were awaiting diagnosis for autism, some reportedly waiting more than 2 years; recognises the distress and harm this places on those awaiting diagnosis and tailored support services, their families; further expresses concern at the growing inequality of access to autism services and diagnosis; notes the stark difference in waiting times across HSC Trust areas; and calls for a longer-term strategy to be progressed urgently in partnership with those with autism, their families and carers, the community and voluntary sector organisations in order to ensure equality of care and services, free at the point of access based on need.


Confidential For Decision
20 Council confidential minutes of meeting held on 22 April 2021
  1. pdf Council confidential minutes of meeting held on 22 April 2021 - Private
21 Planning Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 4 May 2021
  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 4 May 2021 - Private
22 Policy and Resources Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 6 May 2021
  1. pdf Policy & Resources Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 6 May 2021 - Private
23 Environment Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 11 May 2021
  1. pdf Environment Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 11 May 2021 - Private
24 Development Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 13 May 2021
  1. pdf Development Committee Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 13 May 2021 - Private
25 Document for Sealing: Substation Lease Agreement between Mid Ulster District Council and NI Electricity Networks Limited in respect of lands situated at Gortgonis Leisure Centre, Coalisland
Confidential Matters For Information

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. pdf Council minutes of meeting held on 27 May 2021 (349Kb)
  2. pdf Council confidential minutes of meeting held on 27 May 2021 - Private

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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