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Mid Ulster has 40 councillors representing 7 district electoral areas across the district. The current political make-up is 19 Sinn Féin (SF), 11 Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 5 Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), 2 Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) and 3 Independents.

The Council's form of governance and decision-making is through a traditional committee system, which is based on the full council and 5 standing committees. All decisions are ratified by full council except where committee has been granted delegated authority to make decisions on specific matters.  By clicking on either of the below you will find details of all forthcoming Council and Committee meetings.



Committees & Meeting Details


Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting


Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting


Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting


Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting


Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting

Policy & Resources

Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting

Special Council

Open business Document Pack will be made available from 1pm on day of meeting

Representation on Outside Bodies

Working Groups