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Meeting Details

27 Jun 2019 - 19:00 to 21:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
3 Chair's Business
Notice Of Motions
15 Councillor M Quinn to move
“This council condemns animal cruelty in all forms; notes the effective framework currently in place for punishing offenders and imposing appropriate sentences which serve as a deterrent to others; recognises the work of the USPCA in challenging cruel behaviour toward animals as well as supporting rehoming initiatives for those animals that have suffered abuse or neglect; further notes with concern that there is no central register of those convicted of animal cruelty offences and; resolves to write to the Permanent Secretary at the Department of Justice, and the British and Irish Governments to raise these concerns and propose a central all-island register for animal abusers.”
16 Councillor Wilson to move
"That this Council seek an urgent meeting with Translink to discuss their continued refusal to provide a stop to facilitate passengers wishing to visit Antrim Hospital.
Such a stop could be located at the roundabout on the M2 adjacent to the Hospital and would be used solely by the Translink 212 service."
17 Councillor Elattar to Move
"That this council commends the #FDANODELAY campaign and recognises that people living in hostels and other temporary/emergency accommodation across our society are homeless and deserve to be legally recognised as such by having Full Duty Applicant status awarded.  This Council calls on the NIHE Chief Executive to respond outlining what measures the NIHE will now take to accurately audit the extent of the problem regarding homeless people who are not recognised as such and what steps will be taken to remedy these oversights."
18 Councillor Cuddy to move
"We believe it is important to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE day.
There was an WWII American fighter plane that crashed killing the pilot near President Grants ancestral home just a few days before the end of World War II. We propose that this Council work with the local Historical Society to mark the crash site and hold an event or events to acknowledge the contribution of troops from the USA who where billeted in the Mid Ulster area for a period of time during the built up to the D-day landings that eventually brought an end to World War II."
19 Councillor D McPeake to move

 "That  this council welcomes the range of reports recently published which highlight the serious risk of greater hardship for many within our community, if Welfare Mitigations do not continue beyond March 2020.  These reports include;

  • Welfare Reform: Mitigations on a Cliff Edge. 
  • Cliff Edge Coalition NI.
  • NIAO: Welfare Reforms in NI. 

It calls on all parties to support the need to continue Welfare Mitigations beyond March 2020 and further; Calls on DfC to take all steps necessary to ensure the Mitigations scheme will continue to help the most vulnerable in our community."

Confidential For Decision
20 Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on 15 April 2019
  1. pdf Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on Monday 15 April 2019 - Private
21 Special Environment Confidential minutes of meeting held on 16 April 2019
  1. pdf Special Environment Committtee minutes of meeting held on 16 April 2019 - Private
22 Planning Confidential minutes of meeting held on 4 June 2019
  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of held on 4 June 2019 - Private
23 Policy and Resources Confidential minutes of meeting held on 6 June 2019
  1. pdf Policy and Resources Committee Confidential Minutes held on 6 June 2019 - Private
24 Environment Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 11 June 2019
  1. pdf Environment Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 11 June 2019 - Private
25 Development Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 13 June 2019
  1. pdf Development Committee Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 13 June 2019 - Private
26 Audit Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 18 June 2019
  1. pdf Audit Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 18 June 2019 - Private
27 Document for Sealing: Deed of Surrender between The Woodland Trust and Mid Ulster District Council in triplicate
28 Document for Sealing:     Deed of Dedication in respect of lands at Ballymacombs, Loughsholin, County Londonderry between Mid Ulster District Council (1), The Woodland Trust (2) and The Big Lottery Fund (3) in triplicate
29 Document for Sealing: 20 Year Lease for lands situated at Glenone Wood, Portglenone between The Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs and Mid Ulster District Council in duplicate
30 Document for Sealing: Coalisland Public Realm - Fox Building & Engineering Ltd
31 Document for Sealing: Davagh Dark Skies Visitor Centre - Lowry Building & Civil Engineering Ltd
32 Document for Sealing: Dungannon Leisure Centre Repairs - R J McKelvey Ltd
33 Document for Sealing: Maghera Public Realm Design Team - RPS Ireland Ltd
Confidential Matters For Information

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. pdf Council minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2019 (286Kb)
  2. pdf Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2019 - Private

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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