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Meeting Details

3 Dec 2024 - 18:00 to 19:30

Live Broadcast:  Click the link below at 6pm for live stream

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  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Notice of Recording

This meeting will be webcast for live and subsequent broadcast on the Council's You Tube site Live Broadcast Link

2 Apologies
3 Declarations of Interest
Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4 Chair's Business
Matters For Decision 1
Receive Planning Applications
Retrospective change of use from work shop to veterinary surgeons office, with proposed alterations at 57B Station Road, Clogher for Farm Vet Services
Retrospective change of use from work shop to veterinary surgeons office, with proposed alterations at 57B Station Road, Clogher for Farm Vet Services
Extension to existing yard for the storage of materials associated With existing business at 45 Cravenny Road, Ballygawley for Acrow Formwork
Variation of condition 9 LA09/2021/0185/O (demolition of existing dwelling) at SE of 31A Corvanaghan Road, Cookstown for Mr Oliver McKenna
Dwelling on a farm at lands 30m NW of 182 Gulladuff Road, Bellaghy for Mr Hugh Graham
Dog boarding kennels at 16 Lisbeg Road, Ballygawley, for Mr Paul Adamson
Retention of extension of agricultural yard and associated development including; hardstanding yard area with a landscaped bund along northern boundary; and partially open sided building to provide a livestock shelter and associated works (retrospective) at lands at and immediately W of 101 Dungannon Road, Cookstown for Mr Niall Bell
Dwelling and domestic garage at site 100m N of 20B Bockets Road, Ballygawley, for Mr Owen Trainor
Change of use from domestic garage, general domestic garden and tool store to garage for carrying out general mechanical repairs cars and van. at 15B Annaghnaboe Road , Meenagh, Coalisland for Mr Ryan O'Neill
2 glamping pods with 4 parking spaces, new access track and associated planting at 62m and 75m NE of 33 Dunnabraggy Road, Moneymore for Mrs Ruth Ruddell
Residential development for 22 dwellings (14 semi-detached and 8 maisonettes). Includes landscaping, car parking and all associated site and access works (amendment to LA09/2021/1330/F) at 3 Mullagh Lane, Maghera, for JFM Construction Ltd
Change of use from former beauty salon to office accommodation (Class A2 Professional Services) at 18 Church Street, and reconfiguration, refurbishment and alterations to premises at 16 and part of 18 Church Street at 16-18 Church Street, Dungannon for Mr Jonathan Ruddell
Dwelling, detached garage and new access laneway onto Gorteade Road at 30m NE of 41 Gorteade Road, Upperlands, Maghera for Cathy Alexander
Infill dwelling and garage at land adjacent to and immediately W of 41 Cavan Road, Dungannon for Mr Ian Montgomery
Sunroom extension to rear of dwelling at 40 Roxborough Manor, Moy for Mark Gribben
Retention of domestic garage/work area and first floor apartment over at 3C Northland Place, Dungannon for Mr Namik Saygi
2 dwellings as part of an existing ribbon at lands between 23, 21A and 21 Cloane Road, Draperstown for Mr Sean McKenna
Dwelling and Garage (Revised Land Ownership Certificate) at land adjacent to and NW of 52 Kilycolpy Road, Ardboe for Mr Ryan Quinn
5m x 22.5m concrete ball wall with 2.4m high paladin fencing above. 3G surface of pitch to be extended into new ball wall area. at Holy Trinity College, 9-29 Chapel Street, Cookstown for St Patrick's Educational Trust
Alterations to shared lane and existing access to form new access at land 50m NE of 97 Coash Road, Ballynakilly, Dungannon for Mr and Mrs Simon Nixon
2 dwellings and garages at approx 140m SW of 39 Castle Road, Cookstown for Mrs Vicky Boyd
Dwelling and garage on a farm at 10m E of 39 Tullycullion Road, Dungannon for Ms Una Corrigan
Dwelling and garage adjacent to 105 Drummurrer Lane, Drummurrer, Coalisland, for Mr Ferghal O' Donnell
Dwelling on a farm at 250m E of 16 Gortnaglogh Road, Stewartstown  for Mr Alan Kee
Dwelling & domestic garage (dwelling in existing cluster) immediately N and adj to 13 Tullyglush Road, Ballygawley for Stephen Canavan
The festive greeting 'Merry Christmas' displayed in English, Irish and Ulster Scots by a light projector onto the facade of the Burnavon Arts and Cultural Centre in Cookstown at set intervals. A 4th image of a general winter scene will be displayed to complete the 4-image cycle. The projections will only be displayed during the hours when the street lighting will be on which is approximately from 15:45 until 08:30 the following morning. at 7 Burn Road, Cookstown, for Mid Ulster District Council
The festive greeting 'Merry Christmas' is displayed in English, Irish and Ulster Scots by a light projector onto the facade of the Cornmill Building at set intervals. A 4th image of a general winter scene will be displayed to complete the 4-image cycle. The projections will only be displayed during the hours when the street lighting will be on which is approximately from 15:45 until 08:30 the following morning. at Cornmill Heritage Centre, Lineside, Coalisland, for Mid Ulster District Council
The festive greeting 'Merry Christmas' is displayed in English, Irish and Ulster Scots by a light projector onto the facade of the Ranfurly House Arts and Visitor centre at set intervals.. A 4th image of a general winter scene will be displayed to complete the 4-image cycle. The projections will only be displayed during the hours when the street lighting will be on which is approximately from 15:45 until 08:30 the following morning. at 26 Market Square, Dungannon, for Mid Ulster District Council
The festive greeting 'Merry Christmas' is displayed in English, Irish and Ulster Scots by a light projector onto the facade of the Bridewell centre at set intervals.. A 4th image of a general winter scene will be displayed to complete the 4-image cycle. The projections will only be displayed during the hours when the street lighting will be on which is approximately from 15:45 until 08:30 the following morning. at 6 Church Street, Magherafelt, for Mid Ulster District Council
Matters For Decision 2
Receive Deferred Applications
Dwelling and domestic garage at site 150m W of 115 Clonavaddy Road, Aghnagar, Cappagh, Dungannon for Plunkett Nugent
Dwelling and domestic garage (revised access) at site 40m E of 26 Washingbay Road, Coalisland for Mr Declan McClure
Retention of steel framed building with cladded roof for storage for the public house (amended proposal) at 9-10 The Square, Moy, for Mr Barry McNeice
Site for dwelling and garage at lands approx. 30m SE of 99 Mullaghboy Road, Bellaghy for Mr Hugh Glackin
Dwelling and garage at lands approx 40m S of 117 Cavanakeeran Road, Pomeroy for Ms Kate McAleer
Infill site for dwelling and garage at lands approx. 50m N of 152 Moneymore Road, Magherafelt for Mrs Dorothy Bradley
Variation of Condition 2 (sight lines) of LA09/2020/0318/RM  domestic bungalow with domestic garage at 63B Anneeter Road, Coagh, for Mr Oliver Conlon
Extension to curtilage to provide garden space and domestic storage shed at 96 Mullan Road, Coagh for Mr Terence Maynes
Extension and alterations to dwelling at 22 Ballynagowan Road, Stewartstown, for Mr and Mrs Enda and Nuala Devlin
Site for a dwelling and domestic garage(Cluster) at 30m N of Sessiagh Lodge, 80 Annaghone Road, Stewartstown, for Mr James Wilkinson
Confidential Matters For Decision
Confidential For Information
10 Confidential Minutes of Planning Committee held on 5 November 2024
  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 5 November 2024 - Private
11 Enforcement Cases Opened
  1. pdf EN Case Opened List 22-10-24 to 21-11-24 - Private
12 Enforcement Cases Closed
  1. pdf EN Case Closed List 22-10-24 to 21-11-24 - Private
13 Enforcement Live Case List
  1. pdf EN Current Live Enforcement Cases 4th Quarter 2024 - Private

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. pdf Planning Committee Minutes of meeting held on 3 December 2024 (with addendum) (205Kb)
  2. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 3 December 2024 - Private

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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