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Meeting Details

1 Oct 2024 - 18:00 to 19:16

Live Broadcast:  Click the link below at 6pm for live stream

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  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Notice of Recording

This meeting will be webcast for live and subsequent broadcast on the Council's You Tube site Live Broadcast Link

2 Apologies
3 Declarations of Interest
Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4 Chair's Business
Matters For Decision 1
Receive Planning Applications
Storage building at 100m NW of 100 Coleraine Road, Maghera for Specialist Joinery Group
Residential development (47 dwellings) and associated development to include a new main access to Old Rectory Park off Sandholes Road and the closing-up of the existing access road at lands immediately N and E of 1 Old Rectory Park, Cookstown, for TH Sinnamon
Change of Use of stable block and retention of portal frame buildings for dog re-homing facility at lands approx. 170m NE of 40 Ballynahaye Road, Ballygawley, for Tyrone Husky Rescue
Retrospective farm storage shed and associated landscaping at 110m S of 31 Crancussy Road, Dunamore, Cookstown, for Mr Patrick O'Gara
Material change of use from public house to residential, including alterations and single storey rear extension to provide 4 apartments and associated car parking at 3 Main Street, Maghera, for Donal Gormley
Site for a dwelling and domestic garage at land approx 60m SE of 39 Drummuck Road, Maghera for Mr Vincent O'Neill
Agricultural Building at 38A Gortnaglogh Road, Lenadremnagh, Stewartstown for Stephen McCloskey
To win and work sand and gravel deposits in the form of a 3.9ha southern lateral extension to Lough Fea Sand and Gravel pit, with restoration to agricultural and biodiverse lands at original ground levels utilising indigenous on-site material, at lands Tobermore Sand and Gravel Pit, Ballybriest, Lough Fea, Cookstown at lands 500m to the SE of the processing plant at Lough Fea Sand and Gravel Pit, Ballybriest, Loughfea, Cookstown for Tobermore Concrete Products Ltd
7 dwellings and 8 apartments with associated car parking, private and communal amenity space, landscaping, site works and access arrangements from Chapel Road at lands to the S of 14-44 Fortview Terrace, N of 19-33 Dunleath Avenue, E of 11-17 Drumcree and W of 85-101 Church Street, Cookstown for Kelly Brothers Ltd
Off site replacement dwelling and domestic garage (existing dwelling retained for storage use) at approx 170M SE of 5 Rockbrook Road, Ballyronan for Mr Garth Booth
Farm diversification project involving erection of shed for the assembly of recycling plant with associated storage and associated site works at land 75m NE of 50 Cloghog Road, Coalisland for Mr Aidan McKiver
Housing development of one detached dwelling and a set of semi detached dwellings at 50m NW of 3 Mill Street, Caledon for Mr & Mrs Don & Beth Ross
Single storey retail building with 5 retail units contained within, associated carparking and landscaping at Magherafelt Commerce Park , 40 Ballyronan Rd, Magherafelt for Mr Brian McNicholl
Dwelling & garage on a farm (substitution for LA09/2022/0490/O) at 194m SW of 8 Killybearn Lane, Cookstown for Mr and Mrs Martyn and Niamh Devlin
2 dwellings and domestic double garages at approx 60m W of 11 Hillside Road, Maghera for Mr Liam Lagan
Single wind turbine with a 40m hub height and 27m blades, associated 2 electricity cabinets, 1 no 1MW Battery Energy Storage System Facility (BESS) and 1 no BESS control room to store and stabilise energy supply from turbine, and all associated site works at lands approx 345m N of  46A Rarogan Road, Dungannon for Heron Energy Ltd
Replacement dwelling and associated site works (change of location to approved LA09/2022/1311/F) at 17 Annahavil Road, Dungannon, (Glencon Td) for Lee Somerville
Retention of small shed for keeping donkeys and paddock area at 90m SE of 31 Castle Road, Cookstown for Mr Ricky Boyd
Office (to adjoin assembly building approved under LA09/2019/0331/F), extension to existing storage yard, reconfiguration and extension of vehicle parking (part-retrospective), drainage infrastructure and associated works at Unit 3 Granville Industrial Estate, Dungannon, for McCloskey International Ltd
2 storey side extension with an additional rear dormer window and side window at 22 Glen Road, Coalisland, Tyrone, for Paul and Jannette Leonard
Site for a dwelling and domestic garage at 30m N of Sessiagh Lodge, 80 Annaghone Road, Stewartstown, Tyrone, for Mr James Wilkinson
Site for dwelling with maximum ridge height of 8.0m at 30m NE of 46A Five Mile Straight, Carnamoney, Draperstown for Mr Arthur Martin McGuigan
Site for detached dwelling between 6 & 8 Corvanaghan Road, Cookstown. for Mr Alan Smith
Dwelling and garage at land at 35m SE of 2 Motalee Road, Magherafelt for Mr Ryan Brown
2 dwellings at 20m W of 4 Riverdale Drive, Cookstown for Mrs Jennifer Armstrong
Matters For Decision 2
Receive Deferred Applications
Farm Dwelling and Garage (amended plans) at 200m NE of 51 Gulladuff Road, Magherafelt for Mr Eoin Patrick Bennett
Dwelling & garage at 60m NE of 17 Edendoit Road, Pomeroy for Mr Michael Donnelly
Self contained granny flat within the curtilage of the existing property to the rear of 5 and 6 Ardbeg, Donaghmore Road, Dungannon for Brian Cassidy
Site for single storey dwelling and garage at approx 20m N of 229 Coalisland Road, Mullaghmarget, Edendork, for Ms S Casey
Dwelling unit (CTY 6) at 36 Tirnaskea Road, Pomeroy, for Mrs Pauline Armstrong
Matters For Decision 3
Confidential Matters For Decision
8 Receive Report on Notice of Advance Listing
  1. pdf Report on Advance Notice of Listing - Private
9 Receive Enforcement Report
  1. pdf Enforcement Report.docx - Private
Confidential For Information
10 Confidential Minutes of Planning Committee held on 3 September 2024
  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 3 September 2024 - Private
11 Enforcement Cases Opened
  1. pdf EN Case Opened List 15-08-24 to 18-09-2024 - Private
12 Enforcement Cases Closed
  1. pdf EN Case Closed List 15-08-2024 to 18-09-2024 - Private

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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