Standard Items
Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
Notice Of Motions
Councillor Wilson to move
"That this Council rescind the decision taken at the council meeting on the 27 June 2019 regarding the telephone on the Dergenagh Road, Dungannon.
Item 13 on the Agenda 3.5 Correspondence from BT
Following representations from the Simpson Grant Association, local residents and other groups in the Dergenagh area, we request that the council withdraws the previous objection to the adoption of a telephone kiosk by the above group and support their proposal to restore it as a community asset with a defibrillator and community information point."
Councillor Cuthbertson to move
"That Mid Ulster District Council regrets the decision
of Government to enforce abortion legislation without prior consultation with
the elected Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the electorate of
Northern Ireland."
Councillor McGinley to move
"This council condemns the recent sectarian displays at many local bonfires, and calls on the PSNI to fully investigate all theft, criminal damage and hate crimes which took place.
Encourages all those involved in this illegal behaviour to desist, and begin to engage with the positive community engagement set out in Mid Ulster’s recently adopted Policy ‘Community Events on Council Land."
Councillor McLean to move
"That Mid-Ulster District Council is strongly opposed to the recent decision by Westminster to enforce same sex marriage legislation in Northern Ireland come October and therefore calls upon this council to write to the Prime Minister urging an a immediate withdrawal of this current decision."
Councillor Quinn to move
“This Council:
- recognises the unique ability of people living in Northern Ireland to hold citizenship of Britain, Ireland or both, as a result of the Good Friday Agreement;
- welcomes the announcement from An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD and the Irish Government of their intent to hold a Referendum on the right of all Irish Citizens to take part in the election of Uachtarán na hÉireann, the President of Ireland; and
- believes that this is an important opportunity to expand the democratic participation of people across Northern Ireland in the election of the Irish Head of State.”
Confidential For Decision
Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2019
Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2019
- Private
Environment Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 1 July 2019
Environment Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 1 July 2019
- Private
Planning confidential committee minutes of meeting held on 2 July 2019
Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 2 July 2019
- Private
Development Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 3 July 2019
Development Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 3 July 2019
- Private
Policy and Resources confidential committee minutes of meeting held on 4 July 2019
Policy & Resources Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 4 July 2019
- Private
Development of Ann Street – Agreement re Shared Access
Development of Ann Street – Agreement re Shared Access
- Private
Appendix - Development at Ann Street Access Agreement Map
- Private
Confidential Matters For Information
Update on Matters Delegated to Chief Executive - period of 2019 Local Election
Update on Use of Delegated Authority from Council - Election period 2019
- Private
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting