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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
5 Mar 2019 - 19:00 to 23:10
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Chair's Business
Matters For Decision 1
4 Receive Planning Applications
  1. pdf Planning Applications - Private
Receive Planning Applications
Retention of existing commercial shed and yard at 30a Derrygonigan Road, Cookstown, for Mr Sean McCullagh.
Free range poultry house with litter store, 2 no. meal storage bins, waste water storage tank and associated access & turning area at approx. 210m SSW of 90 Screeby Road, Fivemiletown, for Gillian Browne.
Retention of and completion to reinstatement of previous dwelling at 200m SW of 107 Lisaclare Road, Stewartstown, for James Canavan.
Dwelling and garage at lands 250mE of 107 Dunamore Road, Cookstown, for Thomas Loughran.
Site for 2 storey semi detached dwellings to the rear of Dunleath Bar, 58-66 Church Street, Cookstown, for Gary, Christopher and JP Eastwood.
Subdivision of replacement dwelling into two dwellings at 89 Moneysallion Road, Kilrea, for David Gordon.
2 No dwellings and domestic garages at land between 7 and 9 Annaloughan Road, Augher, for PMG Contracts.
Erection of 10 dwellings (6 detached and 4 semi-detached) immediately to the rear of and adjacent to Nos 12, 14, 18 and 20 Mullaghteige Road, Bush, for BOA Island Developments.
Relocation of dwelling from that on the previous approval H/2008/0322/F at 45m S of 7a Crocknamohil Road, Draperstown, for D and A Developments.
Light industrial unit containing production, packaging storage and distribution facility, laboratory, offices, access, landscaping, parking provision and ancillary site works, including waste water treatment facility, at lands approx. 30m SW of 98 Granville road, Granville, for CSL.
Vehicular access onto Knockview and associated in-curtilage parking at 9 Knockview Gardens, Augher, for Kathleen Harrington.
Offices and storage building at land opposite 4 Ballygillen Road, Coagh, Cookstown, for Thomas Hitchinson and Sons Ltd.
Conversion, reuse and extension of existing stone barn as a dwelling and garage at 60m NW of 27 Drummullan Road, Coagh, for Ms K McCormick.
Dwelling 20m S of 40 Derrygonigan Road, Cookstown, for Finbar Crawford.
Modular classroom, LPG gas tank and 2.4m high fencing compound at St Brigid's Primary School, 130 Tirkane Road, Maghera, for the Parochial House.
Retention of garage with part change of use to living accommodation at 10m N of 30 Loughdoo Road, Pomeroy, for Karl Heron.
Site for dwelling and garage 40m NW of 7 Glenmaquill Road, Magherafelt, for Mary Alice McGurk.
Removal of conditions 7, 8 and 14 of planning permission I/2008/0773/F adjacent to Castle Road and to the rear of 1-13 Castle Road and 6-12 Dungannon Road, Cookstown, for McAleer Contracts Ltd.
Dwelling and garage on a farm at land approx. 50m NW of 32 Drumkee Road, Dungannon, for Mr Keith Morrison.
Agricultural shed approx. 50m SE of 36 Ballynease Road, Bellaghy, for Gary McMullan.
Dwelling and garage on infill site immediately N and opposite 17 Aghnagar Road, Galbally, Dungannon, for Blaine Nugent.
Site for a dwelling and garage 25m E of 28 Drumkee Road, Dungannon, for Ms Claire Heron.
Site for dwelling and domestic garage/store at 55m W of 68 Moneyhaw Road, Drumullan, Moneymore, for Mr Conor McCloy
Dwelling and detached double garage immediately N of 95 Innisrush Road, Portglenone, for Mr A Lagan.
Infill dwelling and garage at lands between 12A & 14 Gortahurk Road, Draperstown, for Mr Emmett McIvor
New site access at Knockmany Forest, Knockmany Road, Augher, for Mid Ulster District Council.
Site for replacement dwelling and double domestic garage (renewal of LA09/2015/1115/O) at approx. 110m SE of 58 Annaghmore Road, Castledawson, for Mr John Lennox.
Matters For Decision 2
5 Receive Deferred Applications
  1. pdf Deferred Applications - Private
Receive Deferred Applications
Infill dwelling 20m E of 6 Peace Haven Crescent, Rocktown, Bellaghy, for Brendan O'Neill.
1 no. vertical free standing sign at 26 Charlemont Street, Moy, Dungannon, for Moy Autos.
Dwelling and garage approx. 60m SW of 13 Barrack Road, Ballymaguigan, for Joe Crozier.
Replacement storey and a half dwelling at 10 Minterburn Road, Caledon, for Mrs M Murphy.
Retrospective application for top dressing of existing laneway, widening of sight splays at road entrance, widening of chicane and piping approx. 30m of open sheugh at land fronting onto Keerin Road approx. 625m W of 129 Broughderg Road, Omagh, for John O'Neill.
Replacement dwelling and domestic garage at land approx. 320m NW of 180 Caledon Road, Aughnacloy, for Mr Adrian Robinson.
Relocation of approved dwelling and access at 75m SW of 7 Glengomma Road, Draperstown, for Joe McGillian.
Replacement of two single glazed windows (sash) with double glazing at the front of the property facing Main Street, at 53 Main Street, Benburb, Dungannon, for Mr Bob Toner.
Change of house design to previously approved M/2006/1299/RM at approx. 60m E of 31 Mullaghmoyle Road, Coalisland, for Mr Declan Dorrity.
Bungalow and garage adjacent to 7a Keady Road, Upperlands for Miss C O'Kane
Dwelling and garage approx. 100m NE of 90 Ballyscullion Lane, Bellaghy, for Ann Marie McIvor
Retention of office building and change of use to auxiliary accommodation to existing dwelling at 32 Luney Road, Desertmartin, for Doreen Leacock.
Site for dwelling approx. 60m S of 91A Aughrim Road, Magherafelt, for Edmund Feguson.
Dwelling and garage 100m W of 39 Gortindarragh Road, Galbally, Dungannon, for Eugene and Patricia Hackett.
2 apartments in lieu of approved dwelling (LA09/2017/1542/F) at approx. 7m NW of 6 Ferguy Height, Cookstown, for Roger McCombe.
Matters For Decision 3
6 Planning Committee Minutes held on 5 February 2019
  1. pdf Planning Committee minutes of meeting held on 5 February 2019 - Private
Matters For Information
Confidential Matters For Decision
7 Receive Industrial Monitoring Report
  1. pdf Industrial Monitor 2018 - Private
8 Receive Enforcement Report
  1. pdf Enforcement Report - Private
Confidential For Information
9 Confidential Minutes of Planning Committee held on 5 February 2019
  1. pdf Planning Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 5 February 2019 - Private
10 Enforcement Cases Opened
  1. pdf Enforcement cases opened 25.01.19 to 19.02.19 - Private
11 Enforcement Cases Closed
  1. pdf Enforcement Cases Closed during period 25.01.19 to 19.02.19 - Private
12 Enforcement Case Live List
  1. pdf Enforcement Live Case List - Private

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. pdf Planning Committee Minutes of Meeting held on 5 March 2019 (with addendum) (326Kb)
  2. pdf Planning Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 5 March 2019 - Private


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Sharon McAleerApology
Councillor James Shiels 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting