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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
7 Nov 2017 - 19:00 to 21:40
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Chair's Business
Receive Planning Applications
Wind farm comprising 5 wind turbines with a maximum blade to tip height of 126.5m and ancillary works at Beltonanean, Ballynosollus, Beleevna-More and Ballynagilly townlands Cookstown for Beltonanean Renewable Energy Ltd.
Demolition of premises at 4-36 Perry Street, Dungannon for Castlehill Community Regeneration Group
Mixed use development (residential and retail) at 4-36 Perry Street, Dungannon for Castlehill Community Regeneration Group.
Dwelling and garage 45m NW of 275 Mountjoy Road, Stewartstown for Mr Richard Walker.
Campsite with 4 Glamping cabins, ancillary facilities cabin, on site sewerage treatment and access roadway, 200m NE of 36 Slaughtneil Road, Maghera for Ciaran and Bronagh McEldowney.
Additional car parking and associated site works at lands 60m SE of The Ponderosa Bar and Restaurant, 974 Glenshane Road, Dungiven for Mr Karl McErlean.
8 dwellings (2 complex needs and 6 general dwellings) with new access road and footpath at lands at Roskeen Road, Moygashel, Dungannon for Apex Housing Association.
Observatory visitor hub, 5 glamping pods, amenities compound and associated external works at Davagh Forest Park, Davagh Road, Omagh for Mid Ulster District Council.
Dwelling and garage at land between 151 and 151a Fivemilestraight, Fallagloon, Maghera for Maura McKenna.
Dwelling and garage 100m NW of St Paul's Church, 79 Killeeshill Road, Dungannon for Arleen Watt.
Replacement toilet/changing block and relocation of lorry wash at 23 Ballymacombs Road, Portglenone for Peter and Brendan Donnelly.
Demolition of existing pavilion and construction of a new community building at Kildress Wolfe Tone's Grounds, 46 Loughdoo Road, Kildress, Pomeroy for Kildress Wolfe Tone's GAA.
Mixed use scheme including the retention and refurbishment of existing listed buildings comprising 29 apartments, 2 retail units, office, community/cultural unit (class D1), amenity space, bin refuge area, parking, bicycle stands, pelican crossing and ancillary site works.  Lands at and to the rear of 43-49 Rainey Street, Magherafelt for Market Yard (NI) Ltd.
Mixed use scheme including the retention and refurbishment of existing listed buildings comprising 29 apartments, 2 retail units, office, community/cultural unit (class D1), amenity space, bin refuge area, parking, bicycle stands, pelican crossing and ancillary site works.   Lands at and to the rear of 43-49 Rainey Street, Magherafelt for Market Yard (NI) Ltd.
Side extension at the Washingbay Centre, 92 Ballybeg Road, Aughamullan for Jackie Corr.
Extension to existing Kindercraft Business to provide storage at 23 Ballymacombs Road, Portglenone for Kindercraft.
2 infill dwellings at land between 60 and 66 Kilnacart Road, Dungannon for Paul McCann.
Dwelling and garage 70m SE of 7 Gortinure Road, Maghera for Kirsty and Michael McEldowney.
Off site replacement dwelling at lands 70m W of 47 Bellshill Road, Castledawson for George McMillin.
7 business units (use classes B1 and B2), in curtilage car parking and vehicle turning areas at 237 Trewmount Road, Moy for Thomas Fanthorpe.
Dwelling and garage/store 30m ESE of 22 Ford Road, Clady, Portglenone for Stefan Lynn.
Dwelling and garage adjacent to 2 Killycurragh Road, Orritor, Cookstown for Mr Thomas and Lynne Dripps.
Widening of existing access to and retention of extension at Holy Family Primary School carpark at access road immediately SE of Magherafelt Parish Centre, 100m NE of King Street, Magherafelt for Very Reverend Father John Gates.
Infill dwelling and garage adjacent to 11 and 37m W of 11 Roughan Road, Stewartstown for Declan Amour.
Infill dwelling and garage adjacent to 7 and 35m W of 7 Roughan Road, Stewartstown for Declan Amour.
Replacement dwelling at 37 Barrack Street, Dungannon for Farasha Properties Ltd.
Change of use to restaurant and hot food takeway at 33 William Street, Cookstown for REA Developments Ltd.
Dwelling and detached garage between 57 and 63 Cadian Road, Mullaghlongfield, Dungannon for Seamus Rodgers.
Receive Deferred Applications
Change of use of lands and office from window glazing business to car sales and car hire at 155A Creagh Road, Castledawson for Ben McCormack.
Infill site 50m N of 63 Deerpark Road, Leitrim, Castledawson for Mr Norman Leslie.
Infill dwelling site between 33 and 33b Tobermore Road, Draperstown for Teresa McNally.
Site for dwelling 80m S of 31 Gortnaskey Road, Draperstown for Oonagh Barrett.
Two storey dwelling and garage 65m S of 61 Deerpark Road, Leitrim, Castledawson for Mr Norman Leslie.
Dwelling and garage/store approx. 175m W of 6 Tonaght Road, Draperstown for Mr Sean McGlade.
Confidential Matters For Decision
8 Receive report on consultation from Department for the Economy
  1. pdf Receive report on consultation from Department of the Economy - Private
9 Receive Enforcement Listed Building report
  1. pdf Receive Enforcement Listed Building Report - Private
10 Receive 2 no. Enforcement Cases
  1. pdf Receive 2 no. Enforcement Cases - Private
Confidential For Information
11 Confidential Minutes of Planning Committee held on 3 October 2017
  1. pdf Confidential Minutes of Planning Committee held on 3 October 2017 - Private
12 Report on Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest (ASAI)
  1. pdf Report on Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest (ASAI) - Private
13 Enforcement Live Caseload
  1. pdf Enforcement Case Caseload - Private
14 Enforcement Cases Opened
  1. pdf Enforcement Cases Opened - Private
15 Enforcement Cases Closed
  1. pdf Enforcement Cases Closed - Private

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential minutes of meeting held on 7 November 2017 - Private
  2. pdf Planning Committee minutes of meeting 7 November 2017 (170Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Denise MullenApology
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting