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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
25 Jan 2024 - 19:00 to 21:42

Live Broadcast:  Click the link below at 7pm for live stream

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  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 Notice of Recording

This meeting will be webcast for live and subsequent broadcast on the Council's You Tube site Live Broadcast Link

2 Apologies
3 Declarations of Interest
Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.
4 Chair's Business
5 Deputation: Northern Health & Social Care Trust and Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Notice Of Motions
14 Councillor Kerr to move -
That this Council calls on all politicians in Ireland to boycott the Whitehouse St. Patrick's Day celebrations hosted by Joe Biden and the American administration due to his/its culpability in the genocide happening in Palestine, particularly in Gaza and the West Bank.
15 Councillor McLernon to move

That this Council deplores those corporations that profit from protracted armed conflict and systematic violations of human rights, particularly in the context of Israel’s continuing brutal assault on the people of Gaza and escalating settler terrorism in the West Bank, and Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine, and other conflicts around the world. 

That this Council encourages companies to meet their obligations to avoid contributing to adverse human rights impacts through their own activities, and to prevent or mitigate human rights abuses linked to their operations.  

That this Council is aware of the crucial role of local authorities and their public procurement procedures in ensuring respect for human rights by companies, as well as their obligations under widely accepted business and human rights norms, as laid down in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Global Sullivan Principles (1999), to promote respect for human rights by companies with which they do business.  

That this Council affirms that every endeavour is made to ensure that councils tender processes are consistent with the above principles, including under the Fourth Geneva convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and under customary international humanitarian law, prohibiting the importation or sale of goods or services originating in occupied territories.

That this Council resolves to adopt a rights-based Ethical Procurement Policy (EPP) that takes fully into account existing obligations and standards. The EPP will incorporate widely accepted and precisely formulated international standards and explain clearly how the policy will be implemented. The primary aim of the EPP is to ensure that human rights obligations are properly acknowledged, observed and respected at all stages of the procurement process.


Confidential For Decision
16 Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on 14 December 2023
  1. pdf Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on Thursday 14 December 2023 - Private
17 Environment Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 8 January 2024
  1. pdf Environment Committee Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 8 January 2024 - Private
18 Planning Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 9 January 2024
  1. pdf Planning Committee Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 9 January 2024 - Private
19 Development Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 10 January 2024
  1. pdf Development Committee Confidential Minutes of meeting held on 10 January 2024 - Private
20 Policy and Resources Committee confidential minutes of meeting held on 11 January 2024
  1. pdf Policy & Resources Confidential Minutes of Meeting held on 11 January 2024 - Private
21 Update on Insurance Brokerage Tender
  1. pdf 202425 Insurances – Update - Private
22 Microsoft Licensing Tender Report
  1. pdf Microsoft Licensing Tender report - Private
    1. pdf Appendix 1 -Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Licensing Tender Specification Jan'24 - Private
23 Small Settlements - ICT Award for Castlecaulfield
  1. pdf SP1 Rpt Small Settlements Programme - Castlecaulfield ICT Contract award - Delegated Authority request - Private
24 Document for Sealing - Extended Agency Agreement between Mid Ulster District Council and the Department for Infrastructure for the provision of Off-Street Parking Enforcement and a Penalty Charge Notice Processing Service
Confidential Matters For Information

Additional Meeting Documents

  1. Mp3 Mid Ulster District Council meeting held on 25 January 2024 (101334Kb)
  2. pdf SHSCT Presentation to MUDC (3684Kb)
  3. pdf MUDC Jan 2024 NHSCT (673Kb)
  4. pdf Council Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 25 January 2024 (301Kb)
  5. pdf Council Confidential minutes of meeting held on Thursday 25 January 2024 - Private

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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