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MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Gavin Bell 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Kyle Black 02/05/2019129 75%
Councillor Wesley Brown 02/05/2019129 75%
Councillor Jonathan Buchanan 25/05/2023129 75%
Councillor Wilbert Buchanan 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Frances Burton 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor James Burton 25/05/2023129 75%
Councillor Eva Cahoon 25/05/20231211 92%
Councillor Eimear Carney 25/05/2023129 75%
Councillor Sean Clarke 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Cora Corry 02/05/20191210 83%
Councillor Clement Cuthbertson 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Anne Forde BEM 22/05/2014128 67%
Councillor Gael Gildernew 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor Meta Graham 02/05/2019129 75%
Councillor Jolene Groogan 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor Denise Johnston 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor Paddy Kelly 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor Dan Kerr 02/05/20191211 92%
Councillor Cathal Mallaghan 22/05/201407/07/2024125 42%
Councillor Kerri Martin 02/05/2019127 58%
Councillor Niall McAleer 10/02/20201211 92%
Councillor Eugene McConnell 25/05/20231211 92%
Councillor Kevin McElvogue 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor Christine McFlynn 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Brian McGuigan 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Paul McLean 22/05/2014129 75%
Councillor Nuala McLernon 25/05/20231210 83%
Councillor John McNamee 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Donal McPeake 12/12/20181210 83%
Councillor Séan McPeake 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Karol McQuade 25/05/20231211 92%
Councillor Ian Milne 12/12/2018127 58%
Councillor Dominic Molloy 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Barry Monteith 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Donna Mullin 01/08/202463 50%
Councillor Malachy Quinn 22/05/20141210 83%
Councillor Mark Robinson 24/12/20221211 92%
Councillor Darren Totten 22/05/2014124 33%
Councillor Deirdre Varsani 25/05/20231211 92%
Councillor Trevor Wilson 22/05/20141211 92%


MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Gavin Bell 06/06/20231310 77%
Councillor Kyle Black 20/05/2019138 62%
Councillor Wilbert Buchanan 06/06/20231312 92%
Councillor Frances Burton 22/05/20141310 77%
Councillor Sean Clarke 22/05/20141312 92%
Councillor Cora Corry 20/05/20191312 92%
Councillor Anne Forde BEM 06/06/2023137 54%
Councillor Gael Gildernew 06/06/20231313 100%
Councillor Nuala McLernon 06/06/20231310 77%
Councillor John McNamee 22/05/20141312 92%
Councillor Karol McQuade 06/06/20231310 77%
Councillor Ian Milne 01/12/2018139 69%
Councillor Dominic Molloy 22/05/20141312 92%
Councillor Barry Monteith 22/05/20141312 92%
Councillor Malachy Quinn 08/06/20211312 92%
Councillor Trevor Wilson 20/05/20191313 100%


MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Jonathan Buchanan 06/06/2023118 73%
Councillor James Burton 06/06/20231110 91%
Councillor Eva Cahoon 06/06/20231110 91%
Councillor Clement Cuthbertson 22/05/20141110 91%
Councillor Jolene Groogan 06/06/20231111 100%
Councillor Denise Johnston 04/06/202497 78%
Councillor Paddy Kelly 06/06/20231110 91%
Councillor Cathal Mallaghan 06/06/202307/07/2024111 9%
Councillor Kerri Martin 06/06/2023117 64%
Councillor Niall McAleer 10/02/20201111 100%
Councillor Kevin McElvogue 06/06/2023119 82%
Councillor Brian McGuigan 22/05/20141111 100%
Councillor John McNamee 22/05/20141111 100%
Councillor Ian Milne 20/05/2019119 82%
Councillor Donna Mullin 01/08/202477 100%
Councillor Malachy Quinn 01/06/202303/06/2024112 18%
Councillor Mark Robinson 06/06/20231111 100%
Councillor Deirdre Varsani 06/06/2023119 82%

MU Community Planning Strategic Board

MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Margaret Bell 06/02/202340 0%
Mr Ryan Black 06/02/202340 0%
Ms Ann Marie Campbell 06/02/202340 0%
Darren Campbell 06/02/202340 0%
Ms Marissa Canavan 06/02/202340 0%
Sinead Collins 06/02/202340 0%
Conor Corr 06/02/202340 0%
Petra Corr 06/02/202340 0%
Mark Deeney 06/02/202340 0%
Martin Graham 06/02/202325/06/202440 0%
Georgina Grieve 06/02/202340 0%
Helen Hampsey 25/06/202430 0%
Sorcha Hassey 21/07/202340 0%
Daniel Healy 06/02/202340 0%
Mel Higgins 06/02/202340 0%
Rebecca Hope 25/06/202430 0%
Bryan Leonard 10/02/202510 0%
Liz Loughran 06/02/202340 0%
Colm McCafferty 06/02/202340 0%
Celine McCartan 06/02/202340 0%
Siobhan McCauley 06/02/202340 0%
Councillor Eugene McConnell 17/06/202430 0%
Mr Adrian McCreesh 06/02/202340 0%
Shirley McKenna 06/02/202340 0%
Alan McKeown 06/02/202340 0%
Fiona McKeown 06/02/202340 0%
Ciaran McLaughlin 06/02/202340 0%
Ethna McNamee 06/02/202340 0%
Councillor Séan McPeake 21/07/202340 0%
Frances Meehan 06/02/202340 0%
Philip Moffett 06/02/202340 0%
Gerard Murray 10/02/202510 0%
Hugh Nelson 06/02/202340 0%
Celene O'Neill 06/02/202340 0%
Andrew Orr 10/02/202510 0%
Simon Sloan 10/02/202510 0%
Jenny Small 06/02/202325/06/202440 0%
Orlagh Watters 06/02/202325/06/202440 0%


MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Gavin Bell 03/06/2024108 80%
Councillor Kyle Black 20/05/20191210 83%
Councillor Jonathan Buchanan 06/06/20231210 83%
Councillor Eimear Carney 06/06/2023127 58%
Councillor Sean Clarke 22/05/20141212 100%
Councillor Clement Cuthbertson 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Meta Graham 06/06/20231211 92%
Councillor Dan Kerr 06/06/20231210 83%
Councillor Cathal Mallaghan 22/05/201407/07/2024124 33%
Councillor Kerri Martin 08/06/2021129 75%
Councillor Eugene McConnell 01/06/202303/06/2024121 8%
Councillor Kevin McElvogue 06/06/20231211 92%
Councillor Christine McFlynn 01/10/20191210 83%
Councillor Donal McPeake 01/12/20181212 100%
Councillor Séan McPeake 22/05/20141211 92%
Councillor Donna Mullin 01/08/202487 88%
Councillor Mark Robinson 24/12/20221212 100%
Councillor Deirdre Varsani 06/06/20231210 83%

Policy & Resources

MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Gavin Bell 01/06/202303/06/2024111 9%
Councillor Wesley Brown 06/06/2023119 82%
Councillor Frances Burton 06/06/2023117 64%
Councillor James Burton 06/06/2023116 55%
Councillor Eva Cahoon 06/06/20231110 91%
Councillor Cora Corry 06/06/2023118 73%
Councillor Gael Gildernew 06/06/2023118 73%
Councillor Denise Johnston 06/06/2023116 55%
Councillor Niall McAleer 06/06/2023119 82%
Councillor Eugene McConnell 04/06/202495 56%
Councillor Christine McFlynn 01/06/202303/06/2024112 18%
Councillor Paul McLean 22/05/2014116 55%
Councillor Nuala McLernon 06/06/2023119 82%
Councillor Séan McPeake 22/05/2014117 64%
Councillor Dominic Molloy 01/06/2017118 73%
Councillor Malachy Quinn 04/06/202497 78%
Councillor Darren Totten 22/05/2014116 55%
Councillor Trevor Wilson 06/06/2023117 64%

Special Council

MemberDate JoinedDate LeftNumber of MeetingsMeetings AttendedAttendance
Councillor Gavin Bell 22/05/201421 50%
Councillor Kyle Black 02/05/201922 100%
Councillor Wesley Brown 02/05/201922 100%
Councillor Jonathan Buchanan 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Wilbert Buchanan 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Frances Burton 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor James Burton 25/05/202321 50%
Councillor Eva Cahoon 25/05/202321 50%
Councillor Eimear Carney 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Sean Clarke 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Cora Corry 02/05/201922 100%
Councillor Clement Cuthbertson 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Anne Forde BEM 22/05/201421 50%
Councillor Gael Gildernew 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Meta Graham 02/05/201922 100%
Councillor Jolene Groogan 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Denise Johnston 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Paddy Kelly 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Dan Kerr 02/05/201922 100%
Councillor Kerri Martin 02/05/201921 50%
Councillor Niall McAleer 10/02/202022 100%
Councillor Eugene McConnell 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Kevin McElvogue 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Christine McFlynn 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Brian McGuigan 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Paul McLean 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Nuala McLernon 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor John McNamee 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Donal McPeake 01/12/201822 100%
Councillor Séan McPeake 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Karol McQuade 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Ian Milne 01/12/201822 100%
Councillor Dominic Molloy 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Barry Monteith 22/05/201422 100%
Councillor Donna Mullin 01/08/202421 50%
Councillor Malachy Quinn 22/05/201421 50%
Councillor Mark Robinson 25/05/202321 50%
Councillor Darren Totten 22/05/201421 50%
Councillor Deirdre Varsani 25/05/202322 100%
Councillor Trevor Wilson 22/05/201422 100%